District News

  • Information about the referendum project
    Dec 20, 2024 · School District of Washburn

    Referendum Project Update

    To download a pdf version of this article, please click here.

  • Picture of Castle Guard Gear
    May 10, 2024 · School District of Washburn

    Get Your Personalized Castle Guard Gear!

    Check out the variety of gear available for Castle Guard Gear!


    Get yourselves and your friends and family some awesome swag!

Files & Folders

March Menus 2025.pdf

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About Washburn Middle School

School Hours:  8:20am to 3:30pm

Washburn Middle School305 W. 4th St.Washburn, Wisconsin 54891

715-373-6188 ext. 100715-373-5877 - FaxEnrollment: (7-8) 97

The staff at Washburn Middle School believes in creating opportunities for students to grow and learn throughout their middle school careers. Our core curriculum includes daily lessons in mathematics, science, social studies, and English Language Arts/Reading, Art Methods, Physical Education, Computers, Family and Consumer Sciences, Spanish, and Technology Education, and Health in grades 7 and 8 enrich the core curriculum. Additionally, all students in Washburn Middle School must choose to take choir, band, or both with those classes meeting every day.  Five days a week, students will also have WINN (What I Need Now) in their schedule.  During that time staff will help students with whatever they need, whether it be acceleration, remediation, homework help, etc...

Students will be assessed multiple times during the year in math and reading, providing teachers valuable data that will be shared with parents and also used to help plan lessons to meet the needs of every student at their level. Washburn has taken an aggressive role in learning about and implementing Response to Intervention Strategies (RTI) along with becoming an early adopter of the Common Core State Standards. We encourage you to talk with any of our teachers about the exciting things happening under RTI, along with the increased rigor that accompanies the Common Core State Standards.

However, student growth is not limited to academics at Washburn Middle School. All of our students will be assigned an advisory mentor who will help students to learn about and work through the social and emotional issues that are very important to middle school children. Additionally, our school counseling program works extensively with middle school students and their classes to help guide the students through what can be both an exhilarating and troubling time. To provide students opportunities socialize the school hosts monthly middle school only dances along with other events that vary from year to year.

We are proud to say that our school garden and school lunch programs have both been nationally recognized. The garden provides opportunities for students to be engaged in growing food for their own school lunch, with all students taking an active part in both the planting and harvesting of the food.   Additionally, if you haven't tried one of our fabulous school lunches yet you are in for a treat.

Students at Washburn Middle School are immersed in technology throughout the day. Most classrooms will be outfitted with projectors and Apple Tv’s, allowing the teachers to bring in a seemingly unlimited supply of outside resources. In addition, students have one-to-one Chromebooks.

The opportunities continue at Washburn Middle School where students can participate numerous sports and other extracurricular activities. Cross country, basketball,volleyball, footbal baseball, and track are available to MS students. Students are also invited to join “LEGO Robotics Club” or MS Student Government, National History Day, etc...

All of these opportunities are only possible because of the hard work of the teachers, staff, students, parents, and community members who help make Washburn Middle School a great place to learn and play.

If you are not familiar with our school, or would just like to become more acquainted with what we have to offer, you may schedule a visit by contacting the school at 715-373-6188. We encourage people who are interested in learning more about the Washburn School District to visit to see all of the unique and amazing things that make Washburn School District.